Sustained attention: the skill of cognitive engagement over extended periods time. In academia, this skill can also overlap with task-initiation which is the skill of starting and completing...
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Most people don't make wise financial decisions. They are trying to keep up with the Joneses. They just don't realize that the Joneses are broke, too. And high income is not wealth. It may enable...
So I had several emails about the millionaire habits post post from January 19. I just read more on these habits in Dr. Sarah Stanley Fallaw's book The Next Millionaire Next Door (with her late...
Although I feel better than I used to about my family's financial standing, ne'er a day goes by that I don't kick myself for not starting investing sooner. Someone once said that youth is wasted on...
In a recent "non-scientific" poll, YouTuber Marko from WhiteBoard Finance shared that 75% of some 3000 Instagram respondents said they would invest, while just 25% said they would pay off their...
As my regular readers know, we are playing catch-up. As the result of divorce, there are some Dave Ramsey rules that we bent. But there are more principles that we follow than don't, because we still...