Manage Energy, Not Time

Are you wiped out at the end of the day? I used to feel too tired to do anything at the end of my work day. And that includes this side hustle!

Each of us has a limited supply of will power, focus, energy, and time. Yet many of us concentrate on time management…

Ever since I was in high school, I marveled at how some people seem to have never-ending energy, and others seem to be duds. We all have the same 24 hours a day. Our will power, energy, and focus are in limited supply? How then is an ambitious young person (okay, I’m 52 n0w) supposed to dig into that reserve that some seem to have?

Maybe it’s a matter of managing our energy, not our time!

Energy Management

There are a three main pieces to energy management — mental energy, physical energy and personal energy. Are these handful of factors the starting point to achieving lasting success? Let’s explore…

It all starts in our head. We first have to imagine something before we experience it. But this mental energy — some call it will power — is in limited supply. This is based on research, not just my opinion.

In fact, scientists at the University of Toronto found that when will power is tested via self-control tasks, subsequent bouts of cognition were also affected.

So how can we influence this energy?

Proper Fuel

The best way to manage our energy is to ensure that we are eating the best possible diet for our bodies. Most of us realize that we have to put the best fuel into our bodies. But how many of us do what we know? All I can say is that whenever I am eating “right,” I seem to have much more energy — mental and physical. When I get “lazy” and eat what’s handy or convenient, my mental alertness suffers.

But whichever diet works for us is usually “in our DNA.” Some of us do well with a ketogenic diet. Some of us have done well on carnivore. Some of us need more carbs and utilize the 30/30/30 diet. Experiment to see what works best for you, and follow those dietary practices to optimize energy.

Proper Time of Day

Time of day has a HUGE influence on our energy levels. I happen to be a morning person. It’s not uncommon for me to wake up at 3:00 or 3:30 in the morning. Of course, that means that I rack out between 9:00 and 9:30 most evenings to get my 6 hours of sleep.

Listen to your DNA. If you’re my age, you surely know whether you’re a morning person or a night owl. Many people who are side-hustling do so in the middle of the night. If this is you, by all means, take advantage of the increased energy levels.

Knowing the proper time of day for your DNA is another important aspect to maximizing your energy. Tap into your best energy regardless of what others may think. You know when you are most productive.


Jim Rohn said that we are the average of our five closest friends. We’ve heard all the aphorisms… If you run with turkeys, you’ll never soar with eagles… If you lie with dogs, you’ll get their fleas… And so on.

Think about your situation. Are you associating with the people who will help you achieve your goals?

If our goal is to master our money and build wealth, are we keeping the best company to achieve that?


Keep in mind the food you eat, the time of day that works best for you, and the company you keep. The next time you feel like you are sliding in the time management department, it may be a matter of managing these energy inputs.


Hey, there. I'm Mark... I teach statistics and personal finance to high school and college students. I'm also a Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach. I create content about financial education... things like: budgeting, investing, and eliminating consumer debt.

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