As my regular readers know, we are playing catch-up. As the result of divorce, there are some Dave Ramsey rules that we bent. But there are more principles that we follow than don't, because we still …
So you want to play the market?
Some folks know I am a small time stock investor. Very small time... But a reader send me an email (thanks SJ) to The reader asks, "How did you (me) know when it was time to …
Investing Before Debt Snowball and Emergency Fund?
So now you're learning about Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps. That means you know retirement investing is Baby Step 4, after 1) saving a $1000 baby emergency fund, 2) paying off consumer debt, and then 3) …
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How to Retire with Dignity
Invest early Did you know investing just $85 a month in a good domestic stock mutual fund for 40 years - say from age 25 to 65 - will make you a millionaire. This assumes a 12% average annual rate …
The 3-Fund Portfolio
Another of the so-called lazy portfolios comes to us via the Bogleheads wiki (and elsewhere - just Google it!). This is just another asset allocation model that is even easier to implement than others …
The Perfect Size for your Emergency Fund
Step 1: $1000 in the bank. Check! Step 2: Debt Snowball. Check! Step 3: 3- to 6-month fully funded Emergency Fund... Categorize Expenses To determine how much should be saved in your …
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