Don’t Worry, Be Happy (for others)

Imagine your friend decided to start a business. After a few years, it’s a resounding success. He have quit his job, has complete control of his time, and is winning financially.

Would you be happy for them? How you answer may say a lot about you!

Not being happy for others…

While it’s one thing to be jealous, it’s another to harbor narcissistic envy. That is like the person who not only isn’t happy for their friend, but secretly thinks that the friend is undeserving of such blessings. Moreover, they think that they are the ones who should have those blessings.

Like many people, the envious see only the summit, but often discount (or are unaware of) the climb.

“Aw, man… you’re moving to Florida? I’m so jealous!” is normal when said with the proper tonality. However, the person who covets your good fortunes is likely in store for other problems.

If you can't honestly support and be happy for others' success, you will block your own blessings because eventually envy and bitterness will consume you. - Germany Kent Click To Tweet

If we can’t be happy for the success of others, success will surely elude us. We live with a scarcity mindset as though there’s only so much success that can go around.

Next level money game…

How’s this related to the money game? In our imaginary scenario, if we can’t be happy for our friend, why? Do we feel exposed about our own unwillingness/inability to do what our friend did? Others’ success may indicate a scarcity in conscientious, industriousness, and diligence of those who are envious.

We should be happy for others’ success, even when it’s a mere acquaintance. Heck, even when a complete stranger has a big win! If you can pay someone a compliment, do it! (It will make their day!) If you can learn from someone else’s steps, do it!

Free yourself to the benefits of an abundance mindest. An abundance mindset is needed to win the money game and acquire wealth.

As Always…

Thanks for reading! I hope this information provides food for thought. Remember that I am not a certified financial planner, a certified public accountant, a licensed real estate agent, etc. My content is for educational purposes. I am a math educator who happens to have a finance degree. Like they say, never take financial advice from a math teacher! (Do they really say that?)

But you should spend less than you earn, invest the difference, and stay out of debt!

I would so appreciate your sharing my content with anyone you feel could benefit. And if you would like a free exploratory conversation or just want to shoot the breeze about personal finances, call me and leave a message or send a text to 570-731-0425.

P.S. Sorry I have missed a few posts. My educational services side hustle has kept me busy the last few weeks. I am creating online lessons, working on a podcast launch, and just started prepping for the Series 65 Exam.


Hey, there. I'm Mark... I teach statistics and personal finance to high school and college students. I'm also a Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach. I create content about financial education... things like: budgeting, investing, and eliminating consumer debt.

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