What is Your Money Personality?

Generation X has heard the expression, “That money is burning a hole in your pocket,” since we were kids. I think that’s how our boomer parents tried to encourage us to save money for a rainy day.

Although many of us hated hearing it, there is something to this aphorism.

The statement has some basis in truth. And it was probably spoken by the parent who was the nerd, Dad in my case. Our rules, values, beliefs, and standards typically are passed down from one generation to the next, so it is important to understand that has an effect on our attitudes toward money.

Battle of the Sexes

Men and women usually have different approached to money.

What I’m about to write is an over-generalization. Buuuut it gives us a place to start a dialogue about our finances.

How money and credit are treated and used is a reflection of the values of the family. Money follows what is important to the spender.

Emergency Funds

For men, an emergency fund held in a plain Jane money market account just isn’t that sexy. Men are often looking for a bigger better deal to use idle money.

For women, the emergency fund is one of the most important aspects of a sound financial plan. It’s about security. Dave says that Mrs. Ramsey has an emergency fund for the emergency fund!


Men hate shopping. But they love buying, especially big ticket items. When they go to the appliance store, car lot, or wherever, they try to get a good deal by negotiating. Getting a better deal is a “win” for men.

Women like to go hunting. They tend to be less confrontational than men, so they are willing to shop around for the best price. It is a fund game for them.

Financial Troubles

When family money problems come up, it can be very bad for men’s self-esteem. For men, money is often a scorecard. If there are problems, men may see it as a sign of losing.

Because money typically represents security for women, they can experience great fear when money problems pop up.


So ladies and gentlemen… think about your money personality. Does it fit the patterns above?

In summary, men like sophisticated savings investments, Women want security

Men negotiate. Women hunt.

Men lose self-esteem. Women experience fear.

Just remember… planning for a rainy day can alleviate a metric crap ton of financial stress. And remember, it’s definitely going to rain. So carry an umbrella. Follow the Baby Steps!


Hey, there. I'm Mark... I teach statistics and personal finance to high school and college students. I'm also a Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach. I create content about financial education... things like: budgeting, investing, and eliminating consumer debt.

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