Infinite Returns with Dogecoin?

So I’ve decided to use my Robinhood account to accrue infinite returns. During the pandemic, stocks took a nosedive. Many investors thought travel stocks were “on sale.” I bought $1000 of Delta Airlines (DAL). It went to $1200 a few weeks later. I sold $1000 of it, and kept the $200 worth. Dividends and capital gains resulting from this $200 would be considered infinite gains. Once the initial investment is returned is all gravy.

It’s not like $200 is a metric crap ton of money. This is just a small example. But can you imagine if this could eventually be 10X-ed? With consistent action, I believe that it can be.

Three Caveats

  • Safe money is not used for this game. Yes, I said game. I don’t use money in our emergency fund or do anything that could jeopardize a dignified retirement. As explained in the example, I did not invest a massive amount in Delta. But there are only 4 majors left, and the government was already talking pumping money into the system to save businesses. There was more to it than that, and I studied this decision for a while.
  • Safe money is not used for this game. Yes, I said game. I don’t use money in our emergency fund or do anything that could jeopardize a dignified retirement. As explained in the example, I did not invest a massive amount in Delta. But there are only 4 majors left, and the government was already talking pumping money into the system to save businesses. There was more to it than that, and I studied this decision for a while.
  • So this game is new for me. I like to get our investment back as soon as possible, but sometimes I have sold early. But can you lose when you get your money back?

With that in mind, we will see where this search for infinite returns takes us. It is slow-going for now, but I enjoy learning and looking for more stocks. Dave Ramsey would totally call this gambling. But is it gambling if we’ve done a proper cost-benefit analysis? Will we miss the mark sometimes? For sure! (Go back and read the caveats.)

Tune in next week for our continuing dogecoin story. Will we get to infinite gains?

As Always…

Thanks for reading! I hope this information provides food for thought. Remember that I am not a certified financial planner, a certified public accountant, a licensed real estate agent, etc. My content is for educational purposes. I am a math educator who happens to have a finance degree. Like they say, never take financial advice from a math teacher! (Do they really say that?)

But you should spend less than you earn, invest the difference, and stay out of debt!

I would so appreciate your sharing my content with anyone you feel could benefit. And if you would like a free exploratory conversation or just want to shoot the breeze about personal finances, call me and leave a message or send a text to 570-731-0425.


Hey, there. I'm Mark... I teach statistics and personal finance to high school and college students. I'm also a Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach. I create content about financial education... things like: budgeting, investing, and eliminating consumer debt.

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