Have you ever applied for a loan and wondered whether your credit was good enough to close the deal? Read on to learn more about your credit score. The FICO Score FICO is an acronym referring...
Posts by Mark
The little guy can't get ahead. Rich people are born rich. It takes money to make money. Rich people aren't happy. The problem with these notions is that they are false beliefs built on portrayals...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like not to have a single debt payment? That sounds nice, right? But maybe you're so overwhelmed that you feel like you're drowning... You don't know where to...
Could you imagine what it would feel like to have no payments? What if your only expenses were for heat, electric, and water? I owe, I owe, so off to work I go... Most of us work to fund our...
On Monday, I showed you how to determine your net worth. Now you may wonder, Is this good? Enter the wealth index... The wealth index is a tool used to measure personal net worth against...
Although the government measures wealth based on income, net worth is the proper metric for assessing wealth. But what is net worth, and how do you computer it? A net worth is not just something...