This week's follow-up to last week involves some financial experts who are a little less worried about debt, especially for buying "assets." Why is assets in quotes? Read on... Using...
Category: Finance
Maybe the headline should read: My Favorite People in the Finance Space. The finance space has people who strongly oppose all debt, love leveraged real estate purchases, and everyplace in...
In the personal finance world, few experts are revered as much as Dave Ramsey. In the beginning, his Total Money Makeover helped me find my true north for the next chapter in my life. I have been...
When I was a child, I didn't know it, but a lot of cartoon humor was over my head. In fact, much of it was indeed crafted for adults. Bullwinkle, Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny, etc. Charlie...
Recent life events may be changing the way I think. Financial peace is following a financial plan that allows folks to end the constant worry about money problems. And The Total Money Makeover (TMMO)...
Earlier this year, CNBC reported that two out of every three Americans are on track to outlive their retirement savings. And many have nothing saved at all. Although few people invest enough for...