Any New Year's resolution worth its salt ought to take into account the events of the previous year. The pandemic, among other things, made the year 2020 the worst year in recent memory. But a...
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Pick a card, any card. Rakuten, Etsy, and of course Amazon... It's easy to get excited and overspend during the holiday shopping season. The way credit is marketed to us, it's hard to resist the "buy...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our friends, family, and all loved ones! Although 2020 has been a test for so many people, I will attempt to do my best in trusting that 2021 will bring joy...
Although an emergency fund is for well... emergencies, it is easy to be tempted to dip into it to buy something that we should save up and pay cash for. Depending on where we keep our emergency fund,...
Dave Ramsey says a fully funded emergency fund is 3-6 months of expenses. But is that enough? Many are having to re-examine Baby Step 3 as a result of the pandemic. Unless you're an "essential"...
Are you wiped out at the end of the day? I used to feel too tired to do anything at the end of my work day. And that includes this side hustle! Each of us has a limited supply of will power,...